Journal title : UKAZ: International Journal of Islamic Studies
Initials : UKAZ
Abbreviation : in. j. isl. std.
Frequency : 2 issues per year (May and November)
DOI : Prefix 10.69637 by Crossref
Online ISSN : 3063-5640
Editor-in-chief :Yusrial, STAI Solok Nan Indah, Indonesia
Managing Editor : M. Hidayat Ediz, STAI Solok Nan Indah, Indonesia
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Service STAI Solok Nan Indah, Indonesia in collaboration with the International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC)
Citation  | Google Scholar | Dimensions | Moraref | Garuda

UKAZ: International Journal of Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service, STAI for the Development of Al-Quran Science, West Sumatra, Indonesia in collaboration with the International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC) The UKAZ: International Journal of Islamic Studies is published in May and November every year, open to authors worldwide regardless of nationality. All published articles will be assigned a DOI provided by Crossref. The UKAZ: International Journal of Islamic Studies provides a forum for academics and researchers to publish the latest and significant research as well as other publication activities, such as book reviews and articles. The specific aims of this Journal are (i) offering a forum for publishing high quality research in Islamic thought, (ii) Presenting new ideas and philosophical findings in Islamic thought and contemporary Muslim issues, (iii) Encouraging greater exchange of information. among various Islamic studies scholars around the world. and (iv) Disseminate the latest research that explores the relationship between Islamic thought and Islamic issues in the following scope i) Muslim Theology and Philosophy, ii) Muslim Ethics and Moral, iii) the Quran and Hadith, iv) Islam and Identity, v) Islam and Cognitive/Natural Science, vi) Islam and Economics, vii) Islam and Political Issues, viii) Islam and Gender, ix) Islam and Spirituality Islam and Other Religions, x) Islam and Civilization, xi) Islam and Environmental Issues, xii) Islam and Culture, xiii) Islam and Human Rights, xiv) Islam, Information Technology and Communication and xv) Islam and Middle Eastern Studies, Islam and Minority Muslim, Islam and Contemporary Issues

 OAI Address
UKAZ: International Journal of Islamic Studies has OAI address: UKAZ OAI

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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November

This issue has been available online since 29th November 2024 for the Issue of Islamic Studies. All articles in this issue (5 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 16 authors from 8 colleges and 2 countries (Indonesia and Malaysia)

Published: 2024-11-29


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